2014 Orange Isle
June 03, 2014
6th Orange Isle Fest is kicking off in Changsha on 13th Sep.
2014 Changjiang MIDI Fest
July 31, 2014
2014 Changjiang MIDI Fest is going to launch Shanghai during 1st to 3rd Oct,including 9 stages over 200 band on schedule
2014 China Drum Summit
March 23, 2014
14 China Drum Summit is going to hold in Beijing during 17th to 19th Oct
Korean top group WINNER held their
"WWIC 2015" concert show in Beijing
worker's stadium. 4,000 fans witnessed
their superb performance.
Saturday, December 27, 2014
During 31st Dec 2014 to 1st Jan 2015, Shenzhen Midi attracted all Chinese music fans attention.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Good Time music festival, a specially tailored outdoor live concert to full feel the wonderful weather of Beijing autumn.
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
The label launched global music event #STANDFORSOMETHING , inviting local bands to take part in the concert to celebrate the old rock and roll spirit..